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Coalition Board Meeting Public Notice (published 8-13-2024; Updated 9-4-2024)


The Early Learning Coalition of Santa Rosa County Board of Directors will hold the following virtual meetings on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024 (rescheduled from August 20th).

Nominating Committee: 8:45 a.m.

Executive Committee: 9:00 a.m. 

Finance Committee: 9:30 a.m.

Full Board: 10:00 a.m.  


All meetings are open to the public. The board packet is posted here: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 782 151 6871

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Meeting ID: 782 151 6871

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Sunshine Law and Public Records Caution: 1) The Florida Government in the Sunshine Law prohibits discussion outside of a duly noticed meeting between any two or more Early Learning Coalition of Santa Rosa County members regarding any matter that may come before the Board. This prohibition extends to discussions via email. 2) Furthermore, most email communications made or received by the Early Learning Coalition of Santa Rosa County members or staff are considered public records that must be retained and, upon request, made available to the public and media.


From the Chairperson of the Board

You’ve probably heard many times that the positive result of an early education can last throughout a lifetime. What you may not know is that high quality early education programs are beneficial to all of us—children, parents, and the community at large.
Research shows us that children with a background that includes high quality early education and care are more likely to experience academic success and graduate from high school. Also, for every dollar spent on quality early learning programs, it is estimated that society saves more than $7 in future costs for special education, public assistance, delinquency and prison programs. We have also learned that communities in support of quality programs for young children become healthier, stronger and safer communities.
Our board is comprised of members with expertise in the areas of child development, education, public assistance, healthcare, finance, marketing, and other representatives from private sector businesses. Together with Coalition staff and a host of community partners, we are dedicated to helping link families to early education programs, providing training and support for local child care providers, and promoting positive practices in programs for our youngest citizens.
According to an old Chinese proverb, “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” Believing this to be true, our hope is to be instrumental in making the early learning experience one that will bring success both to our children now and throughout their lives, and success to our community as a whole.


Anna Price Weaver

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