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Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten
Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) is a free legislatively mandated program for all children who are four years old on or before September 1st, reside in Florida, and who are not participating in the Gardiner Scholarship Program. Parents whose children are born from February 2nd through September 1st of a calendar year may choose to enroll their child in VPK either the school-year their child turns 4 or the next. It is designed to build a foundation for educational success. VPK offers quality programs that include qualified instructors, age-appropriate curricula, high literacy standards and manageable class sizes. To participate in the program, children must be a Florida resident.  CLICK HERE for legislation on age requirements.
VPK is offered through school sites, licensed family child care homes, and child care centers. Providers have the option of providing VPK in either or both of the following:
- 540 instructional hours during the fall/spring school year
- 300 instruction hours during the summer

There is still time to offer a 2021-2022 540-hour school year VPK program. Providers interested in offering VPK services should contact Darla Frame at 850-983-4710 for more information.
Helpful Information/Forms:
 VPK Accreditation Guide
 ​VPK Fact Sheet
 VPK - Frequently Asked Questions
 Additional information about the Florida Department of Education (DOE) Early Learning Pre-K Program


ELC Santa Rosa programs are funded in part or made possible by:


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